Happy New Year!
2012 has arrived and I am pleased to have arrived with it -- alive and well. My wishes go out to each of you, that you will have an awesome 2012 and that your every goal will come to fruition.
My goal in 2012 is to see "Dear Mom and Dad, Please Send Money," published and in your hands. That's my goal and my prayer.
I have just finished a full editing of all 425 pages with Literary Agent, Sue Clark. I will take those 425 pages with me to Mexico and fix every dot, comma, gerund (whatever that is) and adverb that she has marked.
When I return from Mexico in mid-March she will do another read-through start to finish -- this time looking for any needed content change. I will make those changes I agree with and then the manuscript goes off to an agent or publisher.
I am both excited and nervous. Yes, nervous. What if the reader doesn't like my story? Then what? What if, after all this time and effort, the book flops? That is a fear every writer has had at least once and maybe lots and lots of times. More so for the "newbe" writer like me.
Well, that may happen. I can't control that -- beyond doing my very, very best in what I have written. I will leave the rest of it in God's hands (and yours). My memoir is God's story as much as mine.
I am reading a very good book called, "Messy Spirituality -- God's Annoying Love for Imperfect People," by Michael Yaconelli. His book describes my journey with Jesus -- Messy. Imperfect. Always Struggling. Wanting to do right, and not always succeeding. He, through his words, has reminded me that it's okay to not be perfect. We can't be perfect. My Memoir has lots of my imperfections in it. Jesus loves me anyway...will you?
Question: Do you struggle, thinking you have to be perfect or more perfect, or always get it right?