Friday, July 27, 2012

A Journey to Hope
A couple of months ago, I completed a thorough punctuation and grammar review with my book doctor, Sue Clark. Shortly thereafter, I interviewed with a small, indie publisher on the phone and she asked me to email her my manuscript for review and possible publication.  I didn’t.
Why? Because a small, jittery feeling inside me said, “You’re not ready.”  Aghast, I responded, “Not ready? I spent one whole year writing non-stop.  Then I spent a year editing and revising.  Friends, groups and family read parts of the manuscript and suggested changes, which I made. How could I not be ready?”
Thus is the life of a writer.
Truth is, I could submit my manuscript to a variety of POD (printing on demand) companies today, pay the required fees and have a book in my hand, and yours, within a four to six week time period.
However my small, jittery, inner voice convinced me that, with some work, the manuscript can become a much better product.  I listened to that voice.
Linda Joy Meyer, President of the National Association of Memoir Writers (, assessed the manuscript, encouraged me to make some pivotal changes, and is now my memoir writing coach. Through her coaching, I am adding depth to the story. 
It’s like a tree. Every manuscript should have a big tree in it. Mine does. Each tree should have tree limbs, branches and leaves.  Mine does. However, my tree needed more branches and lots more leaves.   While I’m adding a few more branches and lots more leaves to my tree, I’ve also submitted the manuscript, chapter by chapter to a local, Inspire Christian Writers, critique group.  Their input has been incredibly valuable. 
How much longer? Well, I’m learning to admire all the writers in the world who have finally published a quality book. I now know how difficult a process it is. I must admit I was very naïve. Linda Joy Meyer thinks we can be done earliest by November (if I’m diligent) and latest by mid-January.
I’ve been told by professionals not to “marry” my book title, just “date” it. Right now, I’m dating a new title…”UNSTOPPABLE. My Journey to Hope.”
What is your experience with writing? Were you as naïve as me?  Did you expect writing and publishing to be fast and easy? Do you like the title I'm dating?